Fast Bowling Key Attractors

Fast Bowling Key Attractors:-

In the most recent time the most talked term among the fast bowlers are key attractors. In this short journey, we’ll explore the fast bowling key attractors . These attractors helps you to bowl fast and provides you the injury free bowling action . In this article i talk about 13 fast bowling key attractors , so without further delay , lets get started :-


How you gonna bowl is heavily depends on how you runs in your bowling run-up . In run-up you build momentum and direction ahead of your bowling action.

Fast Bowling Key Attractors :- RUN-UP

“The Run Up is a crucial factor that influences your bowling approach. For achieving higher speeds and accuracy, it is advantageous to have a fast run up directed towards your target. Research has consistently demonstrated that quicker run ups correlate with faster bowling speeds, underscoring the importance of honing the technique and strength required for a rapid run in.

An effective Run Up involves:

  1. Moving along a straight path towards the target with proper running technique.
  2. Generating momentum and rhythm by accelerating towards the crease.
  3. Reaching your optimal running speed a few strides before the Jump and Gather phase.
  4. Ensuring consistency in both the length and speed of your Run Up.
  5. Landing with your front foot splitting or just behind the crease-line.
Fast Bowling Key Attractors-RUN-UP

When bowling at right or left-handed batsmen, you may need to adjust your Run Up angle. It is ideal to run in a straight line from the top of your run up towards the off-stump of the batsman. To identify the most suitable run-up angle for yourself, practice bowling at right and left-handed batsmen from over and around the wicket.

2.Impulse Stride

The take-off stride or your jump step is known as the impulse stride. A good impulse stride helps you to carry your momentum of run-up to the crease .

Fast Bowling Key Attractors:- Impulse Stride

Pro tip for developing a impulse stride :- HIT THE GROUND HARD AT IMPULSE STEP. It help you to generate a good solid jump as well.


The next big thing which help you to carry momentum forward is your jump.

Fast Bowling Key Attractors:-JUMP

A well-executed Jump and is crucial for maintaining the momentum from your Run Up and positioning your body correctly before you bowl. This helps to ensure that you can deliver the ball faster and with better accuracy. While technically, a “jump” is not a strict requirement, the key is to carry the momentum from the Run Up into your fast bowling action. However, some bowlers find that incorporating a “jump” aids in establishing rhythm and allows enough time to get into position before Back Foot Contact, especially for Midway or Side-On bowlers.
To ensure an effective Jump , keep the following key points in mind:

  1. Maintain the momentum generated during the Run Up and follow a straight line.
  2. Jump forward towards your target rather than upward.
  3. Keep your arms and legs aligned within a body-width channel.
  4. Utilize the “hang-time” to position your body correctly (relevant for Side-On or Midway bowlers).
    Mastering the Jump and Gather technique is instrumental in elevating your bowling performance significantly. This approach enables your body to naturally align itself, resulting in a more efficient bowling action and enabling you to bowl with greater speed and accuracy.


In fast bowling, the term ‘shin lead’ refers to the positioning of the front leg (lead leg) during the delivery stride. It involves having the front shin placed in front of the knee and foot at the moment of front foot contact with the ground.

Fast Bowling Key Attractors :-Shin-Lead

The concept of shin lead is crucial for achieving optimal bowling speed and generating power during the delivery stride. It allows the bowler to effectively transfer momentum and energy from the run-up into the delivery stride and ultimately into the ball.

When a bowler achieves a proper shin lead, it indicates that they are striding out correctly and landing with their front foot in an advantageous position. This results in increased force and leverage during the bowling action, leading to faster and more accurate deliveries.

Developing a consistent shin lead in fast bowling requires dedicated coaching and practice. By maintaining this positioning, bowlers can establish a stable base and improve the foundation for their entire bowling action, enhancing their overall performance.

5.Stiff Back-Foot Contact

Back Foot Contact (B.F.C) marks the moment when your foot makes initial contact with the ground after the shin lead. It signals the commencement of your fast bowling action, and how you position your body at this stage plays a crucial role in determining your bowling style.

Fast Bowling Key Attractors-: Stiff Back-Foot Contact

A proper Back Foot Contact is essential for a well-coordinated bowling action. It acts as a connection between your Run Up and Front Foot Contact, facilitating the smooth transfer of momentum into your bowling action. The ability to maintain momentum through Back Foot Contact into Front Foot Contact is key to increasing your bowling speed.

Moreover, being in a favorable position at Back Foot Contact enables better balance and alignment towards your target, contributing to a safer bowling action. When executed poorly, your body may overcompensate later in the action to generate additional pace, increasing the risk of injury.

Here are the key aspects of a good Back Foot Contact:

  1. Body Alignment: Align your body over your back foot, adopting either a Front On, Midway, or Side On position, depending on your preferred bowling style.
  2. Hip Rotation: Allow your hips to rotate fully forward by the time of Front Foot Contact. This rotation is instrumental in generating power and momentum in your bowling action.
  3. Front Knee and Elbow Direction: Keep your front knee and front elbow pointing towards the target in the same direction. This alignment contributes to improved accuracy and control.
  4. Momentum Transfer: Focus on carrying as much momentum as possible into a Braced Front Leg. A stable and strong front leg provides a solid foundation to transfer energy efficiently into the ball release.

By mastering Back Foot Contact, you can fine-tune your bowling technique, enhance your speed, and minimize the risk of injury. Regular practice and attention to these fundamentals will contribute to a successful and effective fast bowling action.

6.Hip Shoulder Separation

“During the fast bowling action, your muscles behave like elastic bands, and the more you can stretch them further and faster, the more “ping” or energy you can generate, resulting in faster bowling speeds. Many of the world’s fastest bowlers achieve this by creating significant hip shoulder separation, meaning they create large and rapid separations between their hips and shoulders. This separation is crucial as it allows them to consistently bowl at high speeds, and it is one of the most vital movements in generating velocity. When executed correctly, it produces an angle between the hip and shoulder, resulting in more torque and increased speed.

Fast Bowling Key Attractors:-Hip Shoulder Separation

It is often said that about 80% of ball velocity is attributed to hip shoulder separation. This movement plays a significant role in various rotational activities, such as fast bowling in cricket, pitching or hitting a baseball, throwing a javelin, and hitting a golf ball. Research indicates that mastering this technique safely and effectively can lead to increased power and faster bowling speeds. Therefore, understanding and implementing hip shoulder separation can significantly enhance your performance and overall abilities in these sports.


Fast Bowling Key Attractors:-Pre-Turn

The “pre-turn of the back foot” in fast bowling is a crucial element that complements the overall pre-turn movement. Just before the delivery stride, the back foot initiates a slight rotation, aligning itself towards the intended direction. This preparatory motion establishes the foundation for a well-coordinated bowling technique, optimizing the transfer of momentum and power during the bowling process. When combined with the pre-turn of hips and shoulders, it creates an efficient kinetic chain, resulting in a more explosive and potent bowling action. Mastering the pre-turn of the back foot through dedicated practice and coaching enhances a bowler’s overall performance, leading to increased speed, accuracy, and consistency. A refined technique empowers fast bowlers to make a significant impact on the cricket field.

8.Non Bowling Arm

In fast bowling, the non-bowling arm plays a crucial role in providing balance, momentum, and timing during the run-up. As the bowling arm moves forward, pulling the non-bowling arm down and across the body helps with shoulder rotation, generating power, and improving accuracy.

Fast Bowling Key Attractors:-Non Bowling Arm

The non-bowling arm plays a vital role in fast bowling, providing balance, stability, and power generation. It helps maintain proper body alignment, keeping the bowler side-on for optimal energy transfer. This arm also contributes significantly to generating power and momentum during the bowling action. Coordinating the upper and lower body is crucial for an effective delivery stride. Moreover, the timing and rhythm of the bowling action heavily depend on the non-bowling arm’s movement, ensuring a consistent performance.

9.Swing Leg Retraction

In fast bowling, swing leg retraction refers to the act of pulling the trailing leg upward then backward during the bowling stride. This essential technique aids in generating momentum, transferring energy, and achieving a smooth and efficient bowling action.

Fast Bowling Key Attractors:-Swing Leg Retraction

As a fast bowler approaches the bowling crease during their run-up, the swing leg (opposite to the bowling arm) swings forward in sync with the bowling arm. Upon the front foot’s contact with the ground (Front Foot Contact), the swing leg initiates its retraction. The bowler pulls the swing leg back and upward, positioning it close to or alongside the front leg. This motion helps gather momentum and contributes to the body’s alignment during the delivery stride.

Swing leg retraction plays a crucial role in creating hip and shoulder rotation, vital for generating pace and power in fast bowling. It facilitates the seamless transfer of energy from the run-up to the delivery stride, resulting in faster and more potent deliveries. Proper coordination between the non-bowling arm, front leg brace, and swing leg retraction is key to achieving an efficient and effective bowling action, ensuring success on the cricket field.

10.Braced Front Leg

Convert the run-up momentum into ball speed.

Fast Bowling Key Attractors:-Braced Front Leg

”Braced Front Leg” refers to a technique where the front leg acts as a brake, enabling the seamless transfer of run-up speed into the fast bowling action. It occurs upon the front foot’s contact with the ground during delivery (“Front Foot Contact”), resulting in increased bowling velocity when executed correctly.

The Firm Front Leg effectively channels momentum from the run-up through the lower body, upper body, and ultimately to the cricket ball. By employing this powerful braking force with the front leg, the upper body propels forward, facilitating faster ball deliveries.

To illustrate, consider a car crashing into a wall at high speed, causing an unrestrained dummy inside to catapult through the windshield. Similarly, the Firm Front Leg creates a catapulting effect on the cricket ball, leading to increased bowling pace.

Numerous top cricketers, known for their exceptional speed, rely on the Firm Front Leg technique. Nevertheless, for those unable to fully adopt it, mastering other crucial elements of an efficient fast bowling technique remains essential for achieving impressive bowling speeds.

11.Chest Drive

The “Chest Drive” refers to the forceful forward movement of the upper body from Front Foot Contact to Ball Release, often aided by a Braced Front Leg. This rotation shifts the upper body from a sideways position to facing forward, allowing the bowling shoulder to drive directly towards the target.

Fast Bowling Key Attractors:-Chest Drive

The Chest Drive serves two main purposes:-

Firstly, it enables a complete upper body rotation, extending the distance over which the ball can accelerate. This increased rotation creates Separation between the chest and cricket ball, leading to a powerful stretch across the upper body and bowling arm, resulting in a swift and forceful bowling arm movement.

Secondly, a well-executed Chest Drive encourages the bowling arm to travel in a straight line towards the target. This promotes a secure Release position, facilitating consistent and rapid deliveries with the wrist in an upright position, ideal for achieving effective swing bowling at pace.

12.Delayed Arm

“Delayed Arms” pertain to the timing of arm movements in fast bowling. The objective is to have the bowling arm positioned between shoulder and waist height at Front Foot Contact. It’s crucial for the bowling arm to be the last to move from this position during the cricket ball’s delivery.

Fast Bowling Key Attractors:-Delayed Arm

Front Foot Contact plays a pivotal role as it adds power and direction to the ball. Proper arm positioning is essential for achieving speed and accuracy in bowling.

By delaying the Bowling Arm, bowlers gain more time to accelerate the ball between Front Foot Contact and Release. This increased time and acceleration contribute to enhanced bowling speed.

Furthermore, delaying the bowling arm helps create Separation between the bowling side hip and shoulder. This separation, generated by the hip’s forward rotation while the bowling arm lags behind, facilitates higher bowling speeds.

Effectively delaying the Front Arm maintains upper body closure at Front Foot Contact, promoting Hip/Shoulder Separation. The delayed Front Arm aids the Chest Drive toward the target, leading to additional Separation between the chest and the ball, resulting in increased bowling speed, while also preventing undesirable sideways collapse of the upper body.

Mastery of Delayed Arms in fast bowling enhances the overall efficiency and effectiveness of the bowling action, enabling faster and more precise deliveries.

13.Wrist Snap

Wrist snap in fast bowling is a crucial technique used by bowlers to add swing, seam movement, and pace to the cricket ball. It involves a rapid and controlled flicking motion of the wrist at the moment of release during the bowling action.


The wrist snap contributes spin and lateral movement to the ball, making it challenging for the batsman to predict its trajectory. There are two primary types of wrist snap used in fast bowling:

  1. Outward Wrist Snap: For outswing or movement away from the batsman, the bowler employs an outward wrist snap. By flicking the wrist outward during the release, the ball moves away from the batsman (from the off-side to the leg-side for a right-handed bowler).
  2. Inward Wrist Snap: For inswing or movement towards the batsman, the bowler uses an inward wrist snap. In this case, the bowler snaps the wrist inward during the release, causing the ball to move towards the batsman (from the leg-side to the off-side for a right-handed bowler).

Proper wrist snap, combined with other factors such as seam position, grip, and body alignment, significantly influences the type and amount of movement achieved. Mastering wrist snap requires precision, control, and dedicated practice, as it can be a potent weapon for fast bowlers to outfox batsmen and take wickets.

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